When a line of severe storms and tornadoes hit Kentucky December of 2021 the Samaritan Center was ready to help. By connecting with volunteers, donors and community partners in Kentucky, the Center was able to assess the greatest areas of need.

Ooltewah Seventh-day Adventist Church partnered with the Samaritan Center to donate 50 backpacks with 1,533 supplies and gift cards with a total value of $5,520. These items will be taken to victims of the tornadoes that swept Kentucky in December. Case managers at the Center put together 16 elementary school backpacks, 17 middle school packs, and 16 high school packs all containing needed supplies and gift cards. 

“A backpack feels like a drop in the bucket, but to someone who has lost everything it is hope for a new start,” said Tony Dahlberg, Executive Director at the Samaritan Center. 

The Samaritan Center is a local non-profit that seeks to meet the basic physical, spiritual, and social needs of people in our area, using the ministry of Jesus as our model. The Center does this through social service programs like rent and utility assistance, emergency food, debt counseling, seasonal programs, and partnerships with organizations in the community.