Every day the Samaritan Center sorts and processes hundreds of gently used items that are donated to us through our donation dock. By following the tips below you can help our dockworkers efficiently sort and process items.

Donation Tip #1 Alike in the same bag

When preparing items to donate put similar items together. For example, clothing goes in bags only with other clothes, kitchen items go together, shoes are put in their own bag. This helps our workers be able to process items efficiently.  

Donation Tip #2 Clothes in bags

When you donate your gently used clothing in boxes our sorters have to transfer them to bags. Pre-bagging your clothes helps us save time. Please note this only applies to clothing. Gently used household items are fine to be donated in cardboard boxes.

Donation Tip #3 Separate your glass

Glass is breakable and while wrapping it in old t-shirts helps keep it from getting broken in the car, this means glass items end up in our clothing bin. To help us get your glass items to the correct bin we recommend wrapping them in newspaper and putting them in a bag separate from your clothes.

Donation Tip #4 Donation receipt

When you make your donation, please fill out a donation receipt. The receipt station is on a silver cart to the right of the bay door. Receipts are only available during hours the dock is open. When you fill out a donation receipt we are able to say THANK YOU to our donors for all that you do!

Donation Tips Recap:

Put items that are alike in the same bag or box. We prefer clothing in bags and glass wrapped in newspaper separate from the clothing. After you finish donating, fill out a receipt so we can say thank you!