This week we sat down with one of our volunteers to talk about memories from years of volunteering at the Samaritan Center. 

Do you remember the first time you came into the Samaritan Center?

It was in August, 2006. My husband and I had just moved from Orlando, FL to live near our son and family. A Florida friend who had moved here the year before told me she was waiting for me to get here so we could start volunteering at the Samaritan Center together! We met the volunteer director who welcomed us warmly and assigned us to the toy area.


With so many great organizations to support, why should others choose to support the Samaritan Center?

The Samaritan Center is a Christian organization that meets the needs of everyone! Their staff is friendly and appreciative of all the support that is given to the organization.


Is there a particular moment or memory that stands out to you?

One of my happiest memories is when we took a car-full of cleaned up and repaired toys to Ms. Jane in the toy store. She would give us a big smile as she thought of all the children that would be happy to have the toys. Ms. Jane was a volunteer who was in charge of the toy store. Later I moved volunteer areas and took games and puzzles instead of toys.


What was the most surprising thing to you about the Samaritan Center?

I was surprised to learn that the Samaritan Center has full time social-workers as well as assistants and volunteers that meet the needs of those who come for help.


What attracted you to this cause?

I heard about the good reputation of the Samaritan Center way down in Orlando, Florida and I wanted to be part of their team.

What would you say to someone considering volunteering here?

It is very rewarding to be a volunteer here at the Samaritan Center. Volunteering makes you feel like you have a part in meeting the needs of people who need it.

Is there anything else you would like to share with me?

It makes me feel proud to be associated with an organization that is so highly regarded in this area for the work they do to meet the needs of our community.